RootsIssue 2/2021

Nexo Creative Writing Group

Nexo is a writing group based in Helsinki, Finland. It brings together people who are beginning to search their identity as writers, or seek for a sense of community in their creative work. We believe that all writing is valuable, as it is a way of connecting with ourselves, each other and the world we inhabit.

Nexo started in 2020, and continued with a new group of writers during February - April 2021. We met weekly to explore and practice different ways of connecting with our writing, understanding how our personal stories influence our writing and developing creativity in a shared, thought-provoking way. The group worked in three languages: Spanish, Finnish, and English.

This publication is a product of the ideas and discussions that emerged during the spring. Nine writers collaborated with their own interpretation of the theme Roots.

Nexo is organized by Caisa Cultural Center and facilitated by Lois Armas (she/her) and Noora Pitkälä (she/her). The previous edition in 2020 was distributed in print and online. We invite you to check out Issue 1/2020 - Mirrors over at

Letter from the editors
Boiled Roots and Vegan Mayo.
(Adventitious) Roots
A letter to grandma
Memoria celular
Roots & Routes
Letter from the artist

Did our work tap into something deep within your core?

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